News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
How can the USA be named “most prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic when virtually ZERO Americans were being tested because there were no testing kits?
Late last year, the Global Health Security Index was released depicting which countries are most and least prepared for a serious disease epidemic. And hilariously, the United States ranked as among the “most prepared,” despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has since been shown to be entirely ill-equipped to […]
By Ethan Huff
Coronavirus CENSORSHIP: Entire media falsely claiming Zero Hedge doxxed scientist by simply naming him as paper author
The left-wing media is having a meltdown over an article recently published by Zero Hedge that speculates about novel coronavirus being a potential bioweapon that originated in a laboratory. Entitled, “Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?” the article explains how a November 18, 2019, “help wanted” ad put out by the Wuhan […]
By Ethan Huff
US government cleared out 9/11 wreckage just like Iran did with downed airliner, but the media said nothing in 2001
The news media has taken notice of Iran’s suspicious activity following the recent crash of a Ukrainian jetliner, which in many ways resembles what the United States government did in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. While Iranian authorities invited Boeing and U.S. aviation experts to join their investigation into what happened, they reportedly did this […]
By Ethan Huff
The top 10 FAKE SCIENCE stories of 2019
First there was the advent of fake news; then they introduced us to fake science. And truth be told, there was so much fake science thrown in our faces in 2019 that this article would be excessively long were we to recap all of it. So instead, here are the 10 most outlandish fake science […]
By Ethan Huff
Wikipedia exposed as a CIA disinformation front
A new report has uncovered detailed evidence about who really controls Wikipedia, and it’s not ordinary folks volunteering their time like the platform’s creators claim. As it turns out, Wikipedia is a deep state propaganda tool masquerading as an online “encyclopedia,” and none other than the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of […]
By Ethan Huff
Leftists set fire to amazon rainforests so they can raise money to fight the fires
Back in the summer, it was reported that the Amazon rainforests of South America were on fire due to “climate change.” But it has since come out that these fires may have actually been intentionally started by Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio and a cohort of leftist “philanthropists” carrying out what you might call an environmentalist […]
By Ethan Huff
Most EVIL person of 2019 award goes to “journalists”
It’s been another big year for fake news, which has become so much the norm within the mainstream media that we’re officially naming so-called “journalists” as the collective recipient of our annual “Most Evil Person of 2019” award. Fake news “journalists” are now so obsessed with trying to oust President Trump from office that they’re […]
By Ethan Huff
Those 11,000 “scientists” warning about an impending “climate emergency” are just “11,000 random people,” investigation reveals
Scientific “consensus” is a popular buzzword commonly used by climate fanatics to “prove” that man-made climate change is a real thing. But is there really even a consensus as these hysterics claim? Not even close. As it turns out, the climate lobby loves to pull its “facts” right out of thin air, including the newly […]
By Ethan Huff
Vaccine industry stages FAKE FLU SHOT using syringe with no needle as part of vaccine propaganda push
Canadian Health Minister Christine Elliott recently made an appearance at a Rexall drugstore in Ontario where she claims to have gotten a “free” flu shot. But video evidence shows that there wasn’t actually a needle in the syringe that was pressed up against her arm, proving once again that when it comes to politicians, it’s […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate alarmists drop the polar bear as their mascot since polar bears are thriving, with record population numbers
You probably won’t be seeing too many polar bears in the mainstream media anymore now that the climate brigade has decided to drop the furry arctic animal from its propaganda lineup. The reason, as we recently reported, has to do with the fact that, contrary to the prevailing climate narrative, polar bear numbers are increasing, […]
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