News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
“Eat the babies” troll comment at AOC town hall proves that it’s now impossible to tell the difference between real leftists and fake plants
It has now been revealed that the crazy woman who told Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) at a recent town hall event in Queens that we all need to “eat the babies” in order to save the planet from climate change was, in fact, a fake plant sent by a pro-Trump group to troll the junior congresswoman. […]
By Ethan Huff
Remember the dog sled picture the media claimed was proof of melting glaciers? It was another climate hysteria HOAX
One by one, various climate hoaxes continue to be exposed as the fake news they’ve always been, including the below photo of what appears to be sled dogs running across a patch of melted glacier in Greenland. The above photo, which has been heavily circulating recently as “evidence” that global warming is melting the polar […]
By Ethan Huff
CNN’s climate change circus a parade of science illiteracy and left-wing lunacy
One would think that CNN would have learned by now that peddling endless fake news for a living isn’t exactly viable in the long term. But the world’s fakest cable “news” channel is still up to its same old shenanigans, claiming that all major hurricanes are man-made due to climate change, and other such nonsense. […]
By Ethan Huff
Breitbart falls for fake news, falsely reports “anti-vaxxer” threw “menstrual blood” on California Senators… but that’s a lie
The mainstream media has been reporting that an “anti-vaxxer” from California allegedly threw a cup of menstrual blood from the gallery of the Sacramento statehouse down onto state senators during a recent hearing about medical vaccine exemptions, which Sen. Scott Weiner, a Democrat, quickly pegged as “evidence” that “anti-vaxxers are engaging in criminal behavior.” But […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing hate site ThinkProgress has collapsed… once again proving left-wing publishers cannot compete in a competitive market
Another left-wing “news” website has bitten the dust after suffering massive readership declines and loss of funding. ThinkProgress, which was a direct competitor for big names like The Washington Post and The New York Times, has officially closed its doors, and will now be converted into a site “where CAP (Center for American Progress) scholars […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing media falls for fake science “Trump rally violence” narrative that just got completely debunked by two Ph.D. students
Back in March, the left-wing news website Vox made the brazen claim that hate crimes have supposedly increased by 226 percent in counties where Donald Trump held campaign rallies. But a pair of Ph.D. students from Harvard University recently debunked that claim, exposing the alleged “study” that was used to back it as being methodologically […]
By Ethan Huff
Court decision just slapped down Michael Mann and his fake global warming hockey stick
A judge has thrown out a lawsuit filed by Penn State University (PSU) climatologist Michael Mann, creator of the infamous “hockey stick” graph commonly used by climate apologists to back the global warming hoax. For criticizing this graph, which has repeatedly been exposed as a total fraud, Dr. Tim Ball became one of Mann’s legal […]
By Ethan Huff
Amazon fires nothing but another hysterical scare story from the fake news media; in truth, the number of fires is FALLING
By now, you have probably encountered at least one or two headlines from the mainstream media warning about the allegedly out-of-control fires that are supposedly devastating the Amazon rainforests of South America. But there is just one problem: Most of these fires are completely normal, and occur every single year as part of controlled agricultural […]
By Ethan Huff
Fox News continues to push hilarious anti-cannabis nonsense, says homeless people are “shooting up” marijuana
During a recent segment discussing San Francisco’s latest attempt to de-stigmatize residents with criminal records by changing the legal terminology used to describe them, a guest appearing on Fox News actually made the suggestion that authorities need to focus less on this type of criminal justice reform, and more on dealing with homeless people out […]
By Ethan Huff
Progressives claim “my truth” trumps reality… sheer delusion is now labeled “fact”
The mainstream media and academia are heavily pushing the idea these days that all truth is relative. What’s true for you may not be true for me is the philosophy of the day, which might make some people feel good about themselves and what they believe, but does this type of thinking actually reflect reality? […]
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