News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
So-called “manifesto” of El Paso shooter was NOT uploaded to 8chan by the alleged shooter, warns 8chan owner
Jim Watkins, the owner of the anonymous message board 8chan, wants to set the record straight with regard to the recent shooting spree that was reported by the mainstream media as having occurred in El Paso, Texas. Despite being targeted by the mainstream media, tech companies, and the rabid left for allegedly hosting the “manifesto,” […]
By Ethan Huff
All the same fake news media outlets that claimed Robert Mueller would take out Trump and save America also claim that vaccines are safe
It’s hilarious, to say the least, looking back on the mainstream media’s many false reassurances that Robert Mueller’s special investigation into the alleged “Russiagate” scandal was “[t]he beginning of the end of the Trump presidency,” or “[t]he tipping point” for the Trump administration – none of this ever actually materializing, of course. But keep in […]
By Ethan Huff
Altering reality: Big Tech is desperately trying to cover up ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats while dishonestly trying to implicate President Trump
As the “pedo island” scandal continues to unfold, tech giants like Google are frantically trying to purge all posts and search results that threaten to expose ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats like Bill Clinton, and instead implicate President Trump as somehow being one of the perpetrators. Paul Sperry from Investor’s Business Daily broke the […]
By Ethan Huff
Gay Democrat who claimed to have removed 77 bullets from bodies of Pulse Nightclub shooting now admits it never happened… she made it all up: What else are Dems faking?
A lesbian leftist who previously told the media that she was a doctor who helped remove bullets from the alleged victims of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, has since come forward to confess that she made the whole thing up for attention. Elizabeth McCarthy, an LGBTQP Democrat and former candidate for the Florida […]
By Ethan Huff
Bill de Blasio claims tall buildings in NYC are “worst emitters” of greenhouse gases … huh?
To help stop “global warming,” New York City is rolling out all sorts of new legislation to ban things like hot dogs and red meat, and possibly even the city’s iconic skyscrapers, which Mayor Bill de Blasio hilariously claims are the worst emitters of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). A key tenet of New […]
By Ethan Huff
Law and Order: SVU episode trashes Covington boys, once again demonstrating that everything out of Hollywood is poorly-written, simple-minded, SJW garbage
Strengthening the case of Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann, who’s currently seeking $275 million in damages from fake news giant NBC as part of a landmark defamation lawsuit, is a new “social justice”-driven episode of Law and Order: SVU that’s about as asinine as it gets. Entitled, “Assumptions,” the embarrassingly-cliche plot line of […]
By Ethan Huff
Fox News spreads more fake news measles hysteria by claiming MMR vaccines don’t contain aborted human fetal tissue… but they actually do
Doing its part to shill ridiculous fake news on behalf of the lying vaccine industry, Fox News recently published a shameless propaganda piece about the ongoing measles “outbreak,” which falsely claims that the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella, manufactured by Merck & Co., doesn’t contain aborted human fetal tissue – even though it […]
By Ethan Huff
Wikipedia isn’t just spreading fake news about natural medicine; it’s also pushing the fake media’s lies about the Trump Russia hoax
Though it pretends to be an unbiased source of factual information maintained by “the people,” Wikipedia has once again been exposed as a Leftist propaganda outlet for pushing fake news about the revelations contained in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Dispelling all doubts that the site […]
By Ethan Huff
Mass media celebration of woman scientist credited for black hole image was bogus… even SCIENCE is now pushing a liberal agenda
In its rush to politicize on the basis of gender, the world’s first computer-generated image of a “black hole,” the mainstream media has once again been caught propagating politically-correct “fake news” by falsely attributing the image’s creation to a female whose algorithms weren’t even used to generate said image. For days, Left Cult writers, pundits, […]
By Ethan Huff
Don’t be fooled: “biochar” is just incinerated biosludge
Just in case a cabal of criminals tries to pull the same scam again, should you come across an alleged “green energy” investment opportunity that promises big returns through the production of so-called “biochar,” don’t fall for it: Biochar is nothing more than incinerated biosludge, which in and of itself is a “green energy” scam. […]
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