News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Newsweek busted for “defrauding the American taxpayers” with sweeping ad fraud; executives RESIGN
The publishing group behind both Newsweek and the International Business Times (IBT) is being accused of engaging in a massive online advertising fraud scheme that ultimately bilked American taxpayers out of tens of millions of dollars. Social Puncher, a consulting firm that investigates online advertising fraud, alleges in a new report that both Newsweek and […]
By Ethan Huff
Newsweek pushes Monsanto propagandist lies authored by scandal-ridden organic hater Henry I. Miller
Yet another mainstream news outlet, Newsweek, has decided to shamelessly spread fake news that bashes organics and promotes GMOs (genetically-modified organisms). And wouldn’t you guess it, but the stated author of this ridiculous hit piece is none other than Hoover Institution hack Henry I. Miller, who’s been caught on numerous occasions attaching his name to […]
By Ethan Huff
FBI now claiming “the dog ate my homework” over lost Peter Strzok text messages (that probably reveal FBI criminality)
In responding to allegations that it intentionally deleted a series of text messages exchanged between former Robert Mueller Special Counsel investigator Peter Strzok and his mistress, Lisa Page, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is now claiming that the disappearing act is not the result of any wrongdoing by the agency. While Congress increasingly uncovers […]
By Ethan Huff
Unhinged Democrats now fixated on President Trump’s body weight, but they never cared about Obama’s counterfeit birth certificate
Left-wing propaganda outlets like CNN just can’t get over the fact that President Donald Trump is actually pretty darn healthy for a 71-year-old man and doesn’t have dementia as they had clearly hoped. So they’ve now taken up a new obsession over the president’s weight, which movie director James Gunn is now offering a $100,000 […]
By Ethan Huff
Another “hijab” hate crime hoax reveals the sinister tactics of “victimization” totalitarianism
Yet another hijab-wearing Muslim has been exposed as an attention-seeking liar – the latest incident involving an 11-year-old girl by the name of Khawlah Noman, from Scarborough, Ontario, who claimed that a 20-year-old man used scissors to cut off her religious head-covering in an act of “hate.” As many expected, a lengthy investigation conducted by […]
By Ethan Huff
Same Democrats that attacked Trump’s “sh*thole” remark as racist are running network of black genocide Planned Parenthood abortion centers
Leftist Democrats, “RINOs” (Republicans in Name Only), and their media lapdog buddies are having a heyday condemning the President as a black-hating racist over negative remarks he allegedly made during a private meeting about immigration that recently took place in the Oval Office. But these same hypocritical stone-throwers apparently have no problem whatsoever with the […]
By Ethan Huff
“Gorilla channel” hoax demonstrates how quickly Trump-hating Leftists will believe any stupid thing (and share it with their stupid friends)
Many of the same folks who relentlessly mocked Trump supporters for supposedly being too dumb to identify alleged “fake news” are looking pretty stupid themselves right now. That’s because they fell for actual fake news in the form of a satire tweet recently put up by the comedy-based Twitter account @PixelatedBoat, which made a joke […]
By Ethan Huff
The purpose of mainstream media is thought control and suppression: How to find the facts between the propaganda
The average person living in the modern world today is bombarded with so much information on a daily basis, much of it conflicting, that he or she is likely to oscillate within a constant state of cognitive dissonance. Making sense of what’s true and what’s “fake” has basically become a full-time job, and people who […]
By Ethan Huff
NYT buried story on Harvey Weinstein’s sexual predator behavior in 2004 to protect a top Democrat donor
A former reporter for The New York Times (NYT) has blown the lid on what she claims is the media conglomerate’s duplicitous handling of the ongoing Harvey Weinstein scandal. While the NYT is now claiming credit for most recently bringing to light Weinstein’s illicit sexual escapades, which date back several decades, it was this same […]
By Ethan Huff
CNN now claims EVERYONE who voted for Trump is a “White supremacist” … insanity takes hold across the liberal media
Making no efforts whatsoever to try to fix its damaged reputation as the world’s most prolific purveyor of fake news, CNN has once against decided to marginalize the 65 million-plus Americans who voted for Donald Trump for president. In one of its recent fake news reports, CNN accused everyone who voted for Trump of being […]
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