Trump administration
By JD Heyes
MORE fake news: White House pushing back against false WaPo report claiming Trump supports DoJ obstruction of Congress
The American Pravda media is being played so regularly by the Deep State that one can only reasonably assume the purveyors of fake news are willing dupes. The most recent erroneous report comes from the Washington Post — which is getting to be a regular trafficker in fake news — claiming that the Trump administration […]
By JD Heyes
The real “collusion:” CNN wins award at WH correspondent’s dinner based on Trump-Russia leak by former DNI Clapper — who was then hired by CNN
The stinking, fetid Washington swamp got even more unbearable for the vast majority of Americans after a White House Correspondent’s Dinner went off the rails thanks to the disgusting “comedy” of another Hollywood reprobate, Michelle Wolf, formerly of “The Daily Show.” As President Donald J. Trump, who skipped the event for the second time in […]
By JD Heyes
More media LIES: Trump’s pick of Gina Haspel, first woman to head the CIA, was NOT involved in torturing terror suspect
It’s obvious to me, a journalist with 30 years’ experience at every level of news reporting, that the so-called “mainstream media” has willingly chucked what remained of its reputation into the trash can in an all-out effort to destroy a duly-elected president, Donald J. Trump. Since before he took office, the media — shellshocked over […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s proof that 91 percent of DEMOCRATS are clueless dupes because all they watch and read is FAKE news
As we have regularly documented on this site, the so-called “mainstream media” is replete with hucksters, frauds, liars, and phonies. In fact, truth be told, the vast majority of establishment media types are little more than far-Left hacks and shills for the Democratic Party. That helps explain a rather remarkable finding in a recently-conducted survey […]
By JD Heyes
Another day, another “mainstream media” LIE uncovered: CNN blew coverage of Wikileaks email to Trump Jr.
The so-called “mainstream media” was heavily criticized during the Obama years not so much for the dishonest portrayal of the news but more for its decisive lack of interest in aggressively reporting the administration’s numerous, and varied, scandals. Since Donald J. Trump defied the Deep State and beat its chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, any credibility […]
By JD Heyes
So now that Michael Flynn is cooperating with Mueller, is Trump the next to be charged? Not so fast says THIS expert
On Friday anti-Trump liberals and Democrats who have been lying…er, pushing…the narrative that Donald J. Trump and his campaign staff “colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton” were empowered once again when their hand-picked special counsel, Robert Mueller, got a guilty plea from the president’s former national security advisor, Michael Flynn. […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media now blaming Trump for Puerto Rico hurricane damage… is EVERYTHING his fault?
Don’t look now, but the Alt-Left now has something new to blame on President Donald J. Trump: The damage inflicted on Puerto Rico by Hurricane Maria. Some guys just can’t catch a break. As reported by PJ Media, the so-called “talking points” that everyone knows exists within the legacy, establishment media were thus: The president’s […]
By JD Heyes
Trump White House assembling “war room” to strike back against fake news media
The Trump administration has had enough of the “fake news” and media stories that are full of innuendo and allegations but devoid of evidence. The White House is devising a strategy to fight back against the deluge of false and misleading stories that includes assembling a “war room” meant to counter the hostile anti-Trump establishment media. […]
By JD Heyes
In the age of Trump, innuendo and allegations are enough to land you in jail
For nearly a year and, some believe, much longer, the FBI has been investigating alleged “links” and “collusion” between associates of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign and the Russian government. To date, nothing has been found: Not one shred of evidence, certainly no proof, and there have been no charges filed. In fact, for a brief […]
By JD Heyes
New York Times doesn’t appear to require actual documented proof anymore when it comes to reporting on Trump
The Old Gray Lady is sure getting a lot older these days, especially for millions of Americans who are simply turning off the news or tuning it out because the media’s irrational hatred of President Donald J. Trump has completely warped whatever objectivity — and credibility — it had left. This is especially true of […]
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